Spark & Stone Concept or in short S&SC is a technology company dedicated to special blasting operations, modernising technologies of explosives and blasting industry and enhancing of the civil blasting education in Estonia and Europe.
S&SC is partnering with European Federation of Explosives Engineers – EFEE for harmonising and modernising the education of civil blasting through a project funded by Erasmus + program PECCS – Pan-European Competence Certificate for Shot-firers and Blast designers .
The practical solutions of S&SC are based on many years of various experiences, research and internationally collected know how. We offer services in different areas where blasting is the best existing solution by most effective use of resources, low environmental impact and time consumption.
We can offer consultancy services and carrie through special blasting projects in demolition and entertainment industry, metal industry and mining and quarrying for various resources. And we can organise additional training in blasting and explosives subjects.